The Tales of Louis the House Rabbitis a charming story which transports young readers into the world of Louis and his friends. When Louis meets another rabbit called Whiskers in his garden, he is baffled when his new friend won't come and look inside his house because he is afraid of the dangerous humans. Louis decides to see where Whiskers has come from and follows him down into his warren. He is taken to a meadow full of beautiful scented flowers and grass that tastes so sweet and meets many new rabbits. But then the birds stop singing and a long dark shadow moves towards them. The rabbits run quickly back to the safety of the warren. Louis makes it back in time, but he is shaken by the terrifying and confusing experience and decides to go home. Tired after his adventure and safe in his home, Louis falls fast asleep dreaming of his adventure down the rabbit hole. Harriet Hall's debut children's book is the first in a series which follows Louis' adventures. Each story examines a different issue and encourages children to exercise kindness and empathy with animals. The Tales of Louis the House Rabbit will be enjoyed by readers aged 3 years and over, especially those who enjoy animal stories.
Characters: Louis
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