Beautifully illustrated in two colour, this new series from the world of Isadora Moon introduces Isadora's mermaid friend, Emerald!Emerald is learning how to be a mermaid princess, but she doesn't feel like one at all. She's not very good at waving to crowds and royal headdresses just aren't her thing - her hair is too spiky and wild. Emerald's wriggly pet octopus, Inkibelle, doesn't much like living at the royal palace either.The annual Ocean Parade is coming up. Will Emerald be brave enough to be a mermaid princess but do it her own, special way?Beautiful gift edition packed with extra activities and things to make and do.
Characters: Emerald
Mirabelle's mum is a witch, her dad is a fairy, and she is a bit of both!Mirabelle is desperate for a brand-new pair of magical roller skates, but Mum and Dad say she's got to earn the money to pay for them herself. Earning money sounds tricky-how's she going to do it? Of course! She'll set up a business. But a business doing what. . . ?She has a go at dog-walking, but things get a little bit out of hand. And when 'things getting out of hand' include the dogs' leads, that's not good for business. Maybe something that keeps still would be easier. Something like making and selling enchanted charm bracelets!Can Mirabelle make a success of her get-rich-quick schemes? Or will being the boss end up being more trouble than it's worth?
Characters: Mirabelle
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We check all suggestions, so please ensure that all recommendations are picture books aimed at children less than 6 years old.