An empowering story about the early life of Australian Women’s Football star, Hayley Raso. At a young age Hayley faced some difficult challenges. The story shares how those closest to us can guide us to see the positives within ourselves. Hayley’s determination, resilience and strength shines through the story. As Hayley follows her dreams, she invites a generation of children to do the same.
Characters: Hayley
From a young age, diving Olympic medallist, Leon Taylor recognised how sport brought him so much JOY. Find out in this uplifting tale how to make our dreams a reality, through effort, perseverance, and the power of self-belief. Leon’s inspirational story of his early life shares how we can all connect with the magic inside ourselves.
Characters: Leon
An extraordinary story about a 7-year-old little girl called Sophie who just can’t seem to see the good in herself. With the help of a teacher and some magic spectacles, Sophie gains true insight to her inner-self. Sophie sees the amazing connection we have to one another and that we all have gifts that make us shine.“Sophie looked into the window, And what she saw in her reflection, Was the beauty from within, That shone back in the projection!”Sophie regains her self-esteem and can see that she has the power to reach her dreams. The compelling message in this story is that we are all magnificent and can do anything that we desire, if we can just change the way we think!
Characters: Sophie
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We check all suggestions, so please ensure that all recommendations are picture books aimed at children less than 6 years old.