Deep in the autumn woods among the bushes and leaves, a creepy crawly critter lives and hides among the reeds...Josie is a little jumping spider living in a forest full of creatures great and small, but her shy and jumpy nature and her sudden frightened leaps make it hard for her to make new friends, and so tiny Josie must bravely embark on a big adventure!Follow along over 51 beautifully illustrated pages on Josie’s journey to overcome her fears and connect with the other animals who all call the forest home.
Characters: Josie
It's bedtime for Josie, Ruby, and Little Rick. Dad has tucked them all in, each in their own beds. But they can't sleep. So each sets off to find a more comfortable a dance of musical beds.
Get ready for an exciting fairy adventure with the no. 1 bestselling series for girls aged 5 and up.Rachel and Kirsty return to Rainspell Island for Crafts Week. They're so excited try all of the workshops. But after the Magical Crafts Fairies' items are stolen, all types of crafts are in chaos. Jewellery will keep breaking, artists won't be able to draw properly and paint will come out grey! Can they help the Magical Crafts Fairies get them back before Crafts Week is ruined?'These stories are magic; they turn children into readers!' ReadingZone.comRead all seven fairy adventures in the Magical Crafts Fairies set! Kayla the Pottery Fairy; Annabelle the Drawing Fairy; Zadie the Sewing Fairy; Josie the Jewellery-Making Fairy; Violet the Painting Fairy; Libby the Story-Writing Fairy; Roxie the Baking Fairy.If you like Rainbow Magic, check out Daisy Meadows' other series: Magic Animal Friends and Unicorn Magic!
Characters: Josie
This is Josie. Her full name is Josephine Emily, but everyone just calls her Josie. She loves rainbows, clip-clop shoes and her little sister Lily (when she's being good). Josie has drawn a picture of tomorrow. It's going to be the bestest most perfect day ever. A lovely picture book with fun illustrations, a great read for little ones. This paperback book has 25 pages and measures: 25 x 21.5 x 0.3cm.
What if you’re first and best at everything – except losing your first tooth? Josie is the monkey-bars champion, the first one to read a whole book by herself, and the second fastest runner in her class. But she’s the WORST at losing teeth – the only kid in her class who still has all her baby teeth! One night, Josie finally feels a tooth wiggle, just a little, and she can’t wait to show her best friend, Richard, at school. But nothing makes the tooth fall out – not hanging upside down, chomping on an apple, or even pulling on the tooth with a string... Until, that is, Josie trips and goes SPLAT, and the tooth is lost for good. Now what can she leave under her pillow for the tooth fairy?
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We check all suggestions, so please ensure that all recommendations are picture books aimed at children less than 6 years old.