Miss Cluck has some exciting news for her class. There is going to be an end-of-term show! All the animals rehearse tirelessly and soon the day of the show arrives. But then - disaster! - Miss Webb and her nursery class who should be coming to watch the show are stuck in the mud. How will the show go on? Boris has an idea. He dashes out (in his superhero costume), finds the stricken tractor, and heaves Miss Webb and her class out of the mud. With the tractor back on track, and Boris squeezed onto the trailer with the ducklings and frogs, Miss Webb makes it to Miss Cluck's class after all and the curtain rises on a wonderfully entertaining show. And, of course, Boris is the hero of the story, both on and off the stage!
When Maxwell determines to climb to the top of a big hill in his neighborhood park, he brings everything with him that a true outdoorsman needs: climbing gear, a map, a first-aid kit, water, snacks, and his trusty toy soldier, Harry. Jr Lib Guild.
Characters: Maxwell
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We check all suggestions, so please ensure that all recommendations are picture books aimed at children less than 6 years old.