A heartwarming tale of friendship and forgivenessIn two little houses, on two little hills, lived two best friends...Every day Rita and Ralph go down the hill, and up the hill, and down the hill, and up the hill to meet beneath their favourite apple tree to play all kinds of games!But one day they play a new game - sticks and stones - and it doesn't end well...Will Rita and Ralph learn to say sorry so they can meet back at the apple tree to play again?
Building things is what Winston does best…Building things is what Winston does best. He's made a car for Ralph and a boat for Alice. But when Winston tries to construct something really BIG he realises that he can't do everything by himself. Then, with help from Ralph (who is best at carrying large bits and pieces) and Alice (who is best at finding small bits and pieces), he discovers that putting things together…together…is what friends do best!An encouraging story about perseverance, sharing and friendship by the author of Dinosaurs After Dark, with individual artwork by Nathan Reed, a young illustrator with a promising future.
Niblet and Ralph may look a lot alike, but they are very different. Niblet loves noshing on crunchy potato chips. Ralph loves putting on headphones and jamming to his favourite records. But both cats have one thing in common: They love being friends and waving to each other from their windows across the courtyard of the apartment building they live in. One day, Niblet and Ralph decide it’s time to meet in person (or in cat?). But when they mistakenly end up at each other’s apartments, their owners think that Niblet is Ralph, and Ralph is Niblet! Will Niblet and Ralph be able to switch back to their proper homes, or will they be stuck listening to music (ugh) and eating chips (gross) forever? Better still, will they be able to bring their lovable (if not very observant) human families together? With zany humour and bold, bright art, Zachariah OHora creates a purrrfect picture book for kids, adults, and pets of all ages to enjoy.
Characters: Ralph
“…A promising debut by Abby Hanlon, a former first-grade teacher who does delightful childlike drawings.” ―USA TodayNothing ever happens to Ralph. So every day when it’s time to write stories, Ralph thinks really hard. He stares at his paper. He stares at the ceiling. But he has no stories! With the help of his classmates, Ralph realizes that a great story can be about something very little…and that maybe he really does have some stories to tell. Debut author/illustrator Abby Hanlon’s endearing text and charming watercolor and colored pencil illustrations prove that writing can be fun! This story works nicely with Lucy Calkins’ Writer’s Workshop model of teaching.
Characters: Ralph
Ralph the Tortoise is running a race with Curly Hare - but who will win? Boastful Curly is certain the trophy will be his - but as everyone knows, pride (and an untied shoelace) comes before a fall! This clever twist on Aesop’s fable includes a separate laced wooden shoe for practice, plus Ralph’s super-simple instructions for how to tie laces.
Characters: Ralph
Send us an email at isbabyinabook@gmail.com
We check all suggestions, so please ensure that all recommendations are picture books aimed at children less than 6 years old.